No One Flies Alone
by Ben Owen, Milwaukee Area Radio Kontrol Society, Wisconsin

     I once lost a big and expensive model on a test flight—a model that took many, many hours to build—sort of like the big and expensive 1/3-scale Extra 330L I am finally painting. On that day I was trying to get the engine to run right, put the antenna up, then down, etc. I made the mistake of taking off with it down. Still the receiver was working when a friend called that the antenna was not out; he could have been closer nearby to help prior to takeoff but I don’t blame him. Looking down to pull it out took too long and the model stalled and spun. My point here: it was way too soon for me after my first wife’s funeral to even be out there. I should have asked for help? Yeah I know; it’s a guy thing. We never ask for help right?

     If you are in a situation without the full use of you facilities—maybe it is a personal loss, or the day was just too hot and you feel like crap, or one is not thinking clearly—ask for help, or just take the model apart and go home to think about it. Make things move a little slower, give yourself time. Use situational awareness; when it is hot, the sun is too high, you are physically or mentally down, you know what I mean. We have clubs so we can be friends and help each other. Two minds are truly better than one. There has always been a competitive spirit in modeling but don’t let it get to the point of jealousy or back stabbing, we all lose when that happens. It helps no one.

     We do have losses in this hobby; let’s just try to minimize them. A friend recently lost his model, in a vertical climb; he lost it in the sun. He did throttle back before it hit. Maybe those expensive sunglasses they advertise would help. Or maybe, one of us standing idly by but not helping, including me, should have been out there standing by him and maybe we could have seen something he didn’t and helped. That’s what a club is for. The excuses: it was the end of the day, it was hot, we were all tired, etc. I’m as guilty as anyone.

     I can’t always be on hand when someone flies and obviously, my so called "Safety Officer" brain was not working then. Let’s make it a club rule: no one should fly without another pilot standing with him, watching for traffic, etc. Let’s stop the senseless losses. If you see someone flying alone, walk out to be that pilot’s caller at the flightline to tell him where the other models are in the sky, etc. Even if unasked, it always helps. We guys, we never ask for help right? There is no sin in just helping, unasked. It is what friends do.

     And when someone comes out to be your observer, accept it for what it is. In the past, I’ve had a pilot move away when I walked out to be his observer. He actually walked away—he wanted to fly alone. Then I called out the model traffic he was about to roll and loop into and he thanked me. Accept a friend’s help, because we all need it. Make it a rule: no one flies alone!